Jerusalem Cherry
Jerusalem cherry
Jerusalem cherry is a plant with glossy blue-green leaves and fruits that look similar to cherry tomatoes. It is often used as a decoration around Christmas. It is also called Christmas cherry and winter cherry. Jerusalem cherry is harmful to eat.
What are Jerusalem cherry used for?
Very decorative for special occasions or just to add a burst of color to a room. Note that this plant is for ornamental use only. The fruits are poisonous and not edible. Care should be taken to keep the plant out of the reach of children and pets.
What does a Jerusalem cherry taste like?
They are congeners of tomatoes and the fruit is extremely similar to cherry tomatoes in taste and texture, and are therefore easily confused with them. The Jerusalem cherry's poison is primarily solanocapsine, which is similar to other alkaloids found in their genus, such as solanine.
Is Jerusalem cherry an indoor plant?
Planting Jerusalem cherry During the summer, it likes to be outside in the sun, but should definitely be brought indoors in a relatively warm place. The best time to plant and repot is in spring, after the fruits have fallen. Ordinary garden soil is an ideal substrate.
What is the best tasting cherry in the world?
But if you want to know which cherries are the sweetest of the sweetest, that would be any of the black cherries. Bing cherries are the leader of this pack, along with their siblings Lambert, Chelan, Sweetheart, and Tulare. You can recognize them by their dark color and heart shape.
Is Jerusalem cherry toxic to dogs?
Despite their cheery colors, the fruit of the Jerusalem cherry houseplant is toxic and should be kept out of the reach of curious children and pets. Any part of the plant that is ingested can cause poisoning and even death.
Are Jerusalem cherries poisonous to birds?
These are related to tomatoes but are highly poisonous to dogs, cats, and some birds.
Which cherry tree is best for eating?
There are two main types of cherry – sweet and acid. Sweet cherries produce delicious fruits for eating fresh, and are usually grown as small trees or trained as fans against a sunny wall. Acid cherries are excellent for cooking and grow well in partial shade.
How long does Jerusalem cherry live?
In colder zones, Jerusalem Cherry will only be an annual. Indoors or in frost-free zones, Jerusalem Cherry plants will live up to 10 years, producing fruit usually in their second or third year, and every year after that.
Where do Jerusalem cherries grow?
Jerusalem cherry is a member of the Solanaceae or nightshade family which also includes tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants. The plant is a native of Bolivia, Brazil, and the southern parts of South America. It is frequently found in warm subtropical or tropical areas.
How did the Jerusalem cherry get its name?
One theory as to the origins of its name is that a gardener brought back the seeds or plants from someone's private garden in Jerusalem and simply attached the country's name to the plant without researching its true native land.
Is winter cherry poisonous to dogs?
Poisonous: The berries can be toxic to dogs, cats and other animals. These are also poisonous for humans and it's advisable to keep well out of reach of children.
How do you care for a Jerusalem cherry plant?
Grow Jerusalem cherry in a warm brightly lit location free of drafts indoors. Water thoroughly whenever the soil surface is dry, but before the plants wilt. Begin fertilizing in spring as the days lengthen. A bit more information: Christmas pepper is another popular plant for fall containers and the indoor garden.
Do cherry plants need full sun?
Climate: prefers cool climates, but will grow in warm, arid and semi-arid climates. Soil: prefers deep, well-drained soils enriched with compost and decomposed manure. Position: full sun, protected from strong winds.
Where is it best to plant a cherry tree?
Cherry trees do best in a warm, sheltered frost-free spot in well-drained, slightly acid soil. Morello cherry varieties are generally smaller and will also tolerate some shade, so can be grown against a north-facing boundary. These varieties are also self-fertile, so can be grown without a planting partner.
Which cherry has the most cyanide?
A red cherry pit is estimated to have 3.9 mg of amygdalin per gram of fruit, while the black cherry has a slightly lower concentration at 2.7 mg per gram. Meanwhile, the Morello cherry pit harbors an astonishing 65 mg per gram (2).
What state has the sweetest cherries?
Introduction. Two main types of cherries are produced in the United States: sweet cherries (Prunus avium) and tart or “sour” cherries (Prunus cerasus). Washington, California and Oregon are the primary sweet cherry producing states, accounting for almost 90 percent of the quantity produced nationwide.
What is the leading sweet cherry in the United States?
Bing Cherries These are the most popular type grown in the U.S. They are large and a bit heart-shaped with a firm, crisp texture. They're pleasantly sweet with a hint of acidity. The darker their red color, the riper and more flavorful.
How poisonous are Jerusalem cherries?
Symptoms: All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the unripe fruits. If plant or fruit is eaten, early symptoms can include fever, sweating, vomiting, stomach pain, headache and increased heart rate. Symptoms are delayed for several hours and can persist for days. Death has been reported.
Why are Jerusalem cherries poisonous?
The main toxin in Jerusalem cherry is solanocapsine, an alkaloid that is similar to solanine and atropine found in the other nightshade plants. It is not usually fatal for humans, but it can cause severe gastrointestinal problems, especially in children who may mistake the berries for cherry tomatoes.
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